Thursday, September 19, 2013

Daily HOMILY for August 30, 2013: Friday of 21st Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

Friday of 21st Week OT
Dominican Retreat House
August 30, 2013
Ø  “The Kingdom of heaven like 10 bridesmaids who took their lamps & went out 2 meet bridegroom.  5 foolish & 5 wise”
Ø  Are you “crisis oriented”? Many of us are. Crisis-oriented people only act at that last critical minute
Ø  The crisis oriented among us pride ourselves at living on the edge, confident in our ability 2 rise against any last minute problem, convinced there will always be enough time
CRISIS ORIENTED BELIEVERS +++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  “Crisis-oriented” people:
Ø  Begin a diet day before they go on vacation hoping to look good in that new bathing suit
Ø  Start the volunteer project we promised the pastor the night before it is due
Ø  Mail in their registration, ticket orders, or RSVPs the day the response is due
Ø  Do not think about their taxes until the afternoon of April 14th
Ø  Read the preparation material for the meeting on the way into the meeting
Ø  Still have Christmas shopping to do on Dec 24
LONG-TERM COSTS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Crisis-oriented people don’t get it together until last minute, until deadline looms over them
Ø  Real crisis comes after a lifetime of putting off getting to know R children, ignoring hurts & divisions within R families, taking care of business before taking care of life, waiting until tragedy strikes before acknowledging G in our lives
THE CHALLENGE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The parable of the ten bridesmaids challenges our assumption that there will “always be time”
Ø  The reality is that there won’t always be time, that this lifetime of ours is very finite, very temporary, very fragile
Ø  Now is the time to “take our lamps” and be about the Bridegroom's work of compassion, forgiveness and justice
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Help us realize, O G, the limited time we have on this journey
Ø  May we always have R lamps filled w/ the oil of compassion and forgiveness to light our way thru long nights and rocky path to your wedding feast