Saturday, April 30, 2016

Daily HOMILY for April 27, 2016: Wednesday of the 5th Week of Easter

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5th Wednesday Easter
The Institute
April 27, 2016
A Euonymus vine ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The entire trellised side of the deck of my home contains a luxurious Euonymus vine
Ø  Every fall I dutiful remove all the dead branches and leaves, leaving only the thick brown vines
Ø  With these days of spring and gentle rains the vines are returning and the tiniest of leaves are beginning to appear
Ø  Soon will come the abundance of small white flowers
3 Qualities of the Vine +++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The Euonymus vine came to mind as I reflected on today’s Gospel
Ø  Jesus’ words, “Nicholas, I am the vine you are the branches” hit home poignantly
Ø  Through a long winter I was being reborn
Ø  Through my own shortcomings and limitations, I was being revived
Ø  1st the vine perdures the entire year, and it is we who die each year and are reborn each spring
Ø  2nd it isn’t the vine that bears the leaves or the flowers
Ø  It bears the branches, that in turn bear the leaves and flowers
Ø  3rd each new spring is born of the trimming away of the old, the decaying and the dead that for a time were branches, leaves, and flowers of a former time 
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  All it took was the simple presence of a Euonymus vine on my side deck
Ø  And it spoke to me of the profound impact Christ was making in my life today, in these days of a new springtime
Ø  What was it Jesus said, “Let those who have ears hear?”


Daily HOMILY for April 26, 2016: Tuesday of the 5th Week of Easter

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Tuesday 5th Week Easter
The Institute
April 26, 2016
Jesus’ Peace +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  In this morning’s gospel, Jesus says: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you,
Ø  Not as the world gives do I give it to you.”
Ø  The “peace” that Jesus gives is primarily an inner, an interior peace
Ø  That is why Jesus says: “Not as the world gives do I give it to you.”
Peace as emotional +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  “Peace” Jesus gives 1st has emotional dimension
Ø  Includes sense of self-esteem/self-worth, feeling of being loved at least by God
Ø  Includes sense of personal security, freed from unnecessary fear and anxiety
Ø  Right after J offers us his peace, he says: “Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid”
Ø  So often upset w/i ourselves & animosity in R relationships, even w/ nations, comes from fear
Ø  I think of St. Matthew’s Gospel becz at beginning, angel says 2 Joseph: “Don’t B afraid 2 take Mary as your wife”
Ø  And then at very end, another angel says 2 women at tomb: “Do not be afraid”
Ø  Matthew sees beginning & end of good news as our being free from fear, at peace emotionally
Ø  Here today Jesus is saying the same thing
Peace as spiritual +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Jesus’ peace – again different from the peace of the world – also has a spiritual component
Ø  He assures us of God’s abiding presence with us
Ø  In John’s Gospel, right before today’s verses, he promises the Holy Spirit will be with us always
Ø  This Spirit — presence of God w/ us — removes R sense of being alone
Ø  Spirit is our sharing and living God’s life right now
Ø  Spirit in this way gives us a companionship and strength for our lives
Ø  The Spirit is R foundational source of peace
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Whether it’s in small groups, one-on-one, or offering Sign of Peace at Mass …
Ø  They are all affirmations of this abiding presence of God, both emotionally and spiritually


Sunday, April 24, 2016

HOMILY for April 20, 2016: Commissioning Ceremony

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Commissioning Ceremony
The Institute
April 20, 2016
INCOMPLETE HEALING ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  This healing is only recorded miracle performed by J where the healing was initially incomplete
Ø  Man needed a 2nd touch for full restoration
Ø  We can learn a lesson from “walking trees” that enable us 2 follow J more effectively
1st importance of Friends +++++++++++++++++++
Ø  1st Bible says friends brought blind man to Jesus
Ø  Friendship’s important 2 God 4 bible says, "2 R better than 1 for when 1 falls the other can pick him up
Ø  Jesus describes his followers as friends
Ø  Proverbs states positive benefit of friends, even if we don't like what they say, becz, "The wounds of a friend R sweeter than kisses of an enemy"
2nd Some nails need more than one hit ++++++
Ø  2nd why did Jesus have to touch the man twice?
Ø  Perhaps twas because the affliction was so severe
Ø  There R other biblical examples where repeated efforts R necessary 2 accomplish desired result
Ø  We see J prayed 3x, "Let this cup pass from me"
Ø  Like driving a nail into a piece of wood, you will face some challenges that require more than one strike of the hammer
3rd Seek additional blessings ++++++++++++++++
Ø  3rd lesson from this story is seen in the question Jesus asks the blind man, "What do you see?"
Ø  Jesus is seeking to impart revelation to him, not get information from him
Ø  J knew what the man could C, but asked the question wanting the man 2 seek one more touch
Ø  Most people are content w/ a little blessing & R content 2 live w/o the fullness Jesus promises
Ø  Most would have answered question, "What do you see?" w/ "Things R a little blurry, but I'll B OK. When I get little more time, I’ll come back, but I have other things to do first"
Conclusion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  So we, as Michael and Mike’s community, have brought them this far and they testify to "What they see"
Ø  Our prayer for them as they are commissioned is that that vision continues their conversion to Christ Jesus