Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Daily HOMILY for April 23, 2014: Wednesday in the Octave of Easter, Cycle A

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In 2014, I am facilitating a 12-week interactive online course in contemplative prayer and action for priests with Saint Luke Institute.  Please visit SLIconnect.org to learn more:  https://www.sliconnect.org/product/living-god-program-contemplative-life-2/
Wednesday in the Octave of Easter
St. Luke Institute
April 23, 2014
WALKING & JESUS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  SS uses the image of walking to convey the importance of our faith journey
Ø  E.g. in Acts, when Peter & John went to temple to pray, see crippled man begging for alms at the gate
Ø  Moved w/ pity & filled w/ power of HS, disciples free the man to walk
Ø  In Luke’s gospel, 2 disciples walking on road 2 Emmaus meet J, but fail 2 recognize him
Ø  Not til reach destination that 2 come 2 realize that stranger, breaking bread, is J risen from dead
Ø  Because both accounts illustrate importance of walking w/ regard 2 J, easy 2 C how readings affect R walking, R faith journey
OUR WALKING & JESUS +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  As we walk on R journey w/ J in faith, need 2 recognize that, as we’re called 2 closer relationship w/ G & others …
Ø  There are, as w/ crippled man, various obstacles can keep us from “walking”
Ø  Hurts from past, destructive ways of thinking & acting, negative attitude, & depression R all inhibitors for that movement
Ø  In R setting here @ SLI, we experience 1st-hand ability 2 stand & move
Ø  As w/ disciples on road, there’s power in opening up of word as way of contacting living breathing J who walks w/ us
Ø  Centering prayer, contemplative presence, the living breathing experience of J along side me is borne of scripture reflection
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  So it is (1) the very act of rising to walk, (2) it is the very act of walking with the scriptures…
Ø  That we encounter J as healer & J as present companion
