Monday, September 15, 2014

Daily HOMILY for August 25, 2014: Monday of the 21st Week of Ordinary Time

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In 2014, I am facilitating a 12-week interactive online course in contemplative prayer and action for priests with Saint Luke Institute.  Please visit to learn more:
Monday 21st Week OT
St. Luke’s Institute
August 25, 2014
RELIGIOUS PHARISEES ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  In a short homily it’s impossible to go into all the background of today’s Gospel
Ø  It should be stressed, though, that the picture of the Pharisees we get here is very one-sided
Ø  In their origins the Pharisees were a movement w/i Judaism to encourage devout following of the Law
DANGER IN RELIGIOUS PEOPLE +++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The abuses condemned in Matthew point up a danger for all religious people: Christians, Jews, all
Ø  The danger is the temptation to present a religious appearance which lacks substance or reality
Ø  Put another way, it’s the problem of the split between what religious people say & what they do
MAKING IMPRESSIONS +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Our translation has Jesus call the Pharisees “hypocrites”
Ø  Inevitably our religious ideals are going to above and ahead of what we actually do
Ø  This is to be expected
Ø  The problem comes in our trying to give the impression that we are perfectly fulfilling religious demands…
Ø  When, in fact, we lack the humility to recognize our failures / (splinter vs beam)
INTEGRITY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  When our behavior corresponds with our beliefs and ideals, we have what we call “integrity”
Ø  Integrity is derived from the Latin meaning “whole”
Ø  One w/ integrity is unified around central focus
Ø  Reaching complete integrity is sanctity
Ø  However, until we get there, (1) Honesty requires we don’t make false claims for ourselves either in our talk or in our behavior…
Ø  (2) And that we recognize our shortcomings, ask forgiveness, and put our trust in the One who alone can make us whole
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Each morning we gather at this altar, this desire is part of what we bring here…
Ø  And, hopefully, what we take to our rooms
