Monday, September 15, 2014

Daily HOMILY for August 20, 2014: Wednesday of the 20th Week of Ordinary Time

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In 2014, I am facilitating a 12-week interactive online course in contemplative prayer and action for priests with Saint Luke Institute.  Please visit to learn more:

Wednesday of 20th Week OT
St. Luke’s Institute

August 20, 2013


Ø  The parable of the landowner and the laborers that we just heard presents a conflict about equal pay for unequal work
ENVY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Upset laborers get wage that they had agreed to
Ø  But they R upset by landowner’s generosity 2 workers hired later in the day
Ø  Landowner asks stinging question: “Are you envious because I am generous?”
Ø  This question cuts deeply becz it focuses on something that’s difficult 2 admit: being envious
QUESTION OF WORTH ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The landowner’s question leads to a fundamental question for each of us
Ø  Where do we get our sense of self-worth?
Ø  Do we get it from earning more than others, from possessing more than others, from accomplishing more than others?
Ø  Do others have to be lesser so that we can be greater, or lose so that we can win, or have less so that we can have more?
Ø  Does R self-worth rest on these beliefs?
Ø  Do we come from abundance or from scarcity?
WORTH COMES FROM ­++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  J wants us 2 remember that so much of what we R comes as an abundant gift of love
Ø  E.g., every moment of R existence? Gift from G!
Ø  Our birth? A gift of our parents!
Ø  R ed & mentoring? Gift of teachers & role models
Ø  Our relationship with God and our hope for resurrection? Yes, a gift from Jesus, the Son of God who is pure love, love itself!
GET ROOTED IN OUR WORTH +++++++++++++++++++
Ø  So R self-worth comes from being loved
Ø  If we remember this and through our daily prayer and presence get really rooted in this love, then we can rejoice that others are also loved and gifted
Ø  We can die to the self-absorbed, affronted ego of the laborers hired early in the day
Ø  We can live from a center that is absorbed in the love of Jesus that empties itself for others and takes great joy in their well-being too