Sunday, February 10, 2013

Weekly HOMILY for February 10, 2013: 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle C -- Nothing and Proud About It!

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5th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle C

Terranuova Hermitage

February 10, 2013

Nothing and Proud About It!
By (Rev. Msgr.) Nicholas P. Amato

Nothing…And Proud About It

There is an anecdote about a rabbi and a cantor who are in the synagogue one afternoon.

They are preparing for Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement.  The rabbi beats his breast and says: “I am nothing, O Lord; I am nothing.”

And the cantor then follows suit and begins beating his breast and saying: “I am nothing, O Lord; I am nothing.” 

And then, from the back of the synagogue, a third voice is heard – the maintenance man.

He is also heard saying: “I am nothing, O Lord; I am nothing.”  And with that, the rabbi whispers to the cantor, “Just look who thinks he’s nothing.”


Being Aware of Who We Are

That anecdote, in a humorous way, helps us to appreciate the lesson of today’s readings.

Isaiah in the first reading, Paul in the second, and Peter in the gospel, all have the same experience.  Let’s just look at Peter.

Peter becomes aware of the presence of the divine in Jesus with the great catch of fish.  He responds by saying, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.”

So Peter has this intense experience of God, of the holiness and power of God in Jesus.  And with this awareness, he in turn becomes aware of himself and his own humanity – his dark side, his weakness and limitations in comparison.

This awareness – first of God, and then of self – enables Peter to do great things.  It enables him to grow toward being the kind of person God creates and calls us to be.

This awareness is also important for us – for all of us, equally, whether rabbi, cantor, or maintenance man.  We all need this awareness.

There are three moments right here in the celebration of Mass when we have the opportunity for this.  There are three opportunities to be aware of the presence and holiness of God, and then aware of our humanity and our need for God.

Opportunities for Awareness

The first opportunity comes right at the beginning of Mass.  It happens in what we call the Penitential Act.

The core of this is our first becoming aware of God, of God’s presence with us.  With this awareness, we can then get in touch with ourselves.

We are to realize that we are not God – that we are human, a mix of light and darkness, still unfinished and on our journey to God.  With the openness that this awareness brings, we are to allow the Lord to make us whole and permeate our lives more and more.

Then the second opportunity for being aware of who we are with the proclamation of God’s Word in the readings.  We believe that these are inspired passages – that human authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit and this is the very Word of God.

Consistently, placed before us is the unconditional love of God.  Consistently, placed before us, are the compassion, goodness, wisdom, and holiness of Jesus.

And so again, with this awareness and comfort, we also become aware of some discomfort, some area where we need to respond more fully to God and live better, our side of the relationship.  Again, this is an opportunity to be aware of our humanity.

Finally, the third opportunity for being aware of who we are is when we receive Communion.  We believe that Jesus is really present and comes to us in the bread and wine.

Our receiving the Eucharist – Jesus’ body and blood – gives us a very intimate relationship with God.  This is why we call it Holy Comm-union.

And so again, with this awareness of God’s presence and of the holy gift we receive, we are also aware of our dire need for relationship with the divine and for grounding our lives on the One who is at our center so we don’t spin out of control. 

We are aware that without this center, we will be lost, without purpose, and probably sinful.


So we have these opportunities for awareness right here at Mass – to be aware of God and aware of self.

And perhaps the important insight in the experience of Peter, Isaiah, and Paul today is this.  We will only really be aware of our humanity when we are aware of God.

It is only in the presence of God, the all-holy One, that we can gain the fullest and most accurate sense of self.  This is one reason why our celebration and participation in Mass is so very important week after week.