Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Daily HOMILY for February 20, 2013: Wednesday of 1st Week of Lent, Cycle C

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The Ursula Parish Mission
1st Wednesday of Lent
February 20, 2013
THE STORY OF JONAH ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  God says GO! Jonah says NO!
Ø  God sends a storm to remind Jonah who’s in charge
Ø  Jonah is thrown overboard by the others
Ø  He makes the choice to keep running from God
Ø  And you know what happens when Jonah is thrown overboard—slurp—swallowed by the big fish
Ø  We don’t know what happens—we just know he was in its belly for 3 days
Ø  The fish spits him up & finally Jonah’s able to say
Ø  “I’ll do what I promised I’d do! Salvation belongs to God”
A STORY ABOUT US ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  This isn’t just Jonah’s story
Ø  This is the story of any one of us who has tried to run from God at any particular time
Ø  I certainly have
Ø  Jonah isn’t the only one whose plans are interrupted by God
Ø  It about our plans being interrupted by God
APPLICATION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  How many times have we experienced a storm in our life and have come to a new realization, like Jonah?
Ø  And when the ugly circumstances of life finally throw us up on solid ground, we can almost hear God say, "Wake up! You can make a new choice, one that leads to life!"
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  We have indeed been called by God
Ø  The call may be as simple as moving in a new direction
Ø  Deepening our trust and faith in God
Ø  It may be growing in mercy and forgiveness
Ø  Or the call may be to renew a commitment in a relationship or respond to a ministry in my parish
Ø  Whatever God has called us to, God will not set us up to fail
Ø  Jonah is a great example of how God’s will is accomplished often in spite of his human agents
Ø  It just takes us a long to finally get it!