Thursday, May 26, 2016

HOMILY for May 22, 2016: Feast of the Holy Trinity

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Encountering the Diving Companion
Jesus House
May 20-22, 2016
ST. HILDEGARD OF BINGEN +++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  St. Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) a German Benedictine abbess & foundress of monasteries
Ø  She was also a musician and composer, poet and prophet, pharmacist and doctor
Ø  From childhood she experienced visions in which the word of God — both in Scripture and nature — were revealed to her
Ø  Hildegard declared a Dr. of the Church in 2012
Ø  On this feast of the Holy Trinity and this retreat weekend, she gives us an image of how a triune God is experienced, here in our hearts
Ø  It is more than coincidence for us
Ø  (Invite all to take a candle and hold it carefully)
Ø  As the flame of a fire has three qualities, so there is one God in three persons. How so?
Ø  A flame is made up of (1) brilliant light and (2) red power and (3) fiery heat
Ø  It has a brilliant light that it may shine
Ø  It has red power that it may endure
Ø  And it has fiery heat that it may burn
THE FATHER +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  So, by brilliant light we experience the F…
Ø  Who with the love of a parent opens his brightness within each of us
THE SON ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  And by the red power we experience the Son
Ø  The red power is in flame that it may be strong
Ø  The Son, born of Mary took on a body,
Ø  A body thru which divine wonders were shown
THE SPIRIT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  And in fiery heat we understand the Holy Spirit
Ø  The Spirit who burns ardently in the hearts of those who come to him in prayer
CONCLUSION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  As we hold this symbol of divinity, we remember that there’s no flame seen where there is neither brilliant light nor red power nor fiery heat
Ø  And thus also where neither the F nor the S nor the HS is known, God is not fully encountered
Ø  Therefore, as these 3 qualities R found in 1 flame, so 3 persons must B understood in the unity of divinity & the totality of R experience of divinity

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