Monday, May 30, 2016

Daily HOMILY for May 25, 2016: Wednesday of the 8th Week of Ordinary Time

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Wednesday 8th Week OT
The Institute
May 25, 2016
MOTIVATION STUDIES ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  David Campbell, a speaker much in demand today to give leadership seminars, lists “motivation” as one of the most important tasks of a good leader
Ø  He has pointed out that the more workers understand the value of what they are doing, the more motivated they are to do it well
Ø  To this, he adds, “Similarly, the better they understand what their individual rewards will be, that is, ‘What’s in it for them,’ the more motivated they will be”
Ø  How hard it is for us to leave ourselves or our self-interest out of anything we do!
Ø  In relationships or ministry, self intrudes everywhere
Ø  It its worst form we turn what we do or are involved in, into a way to feed ourselves to please “me”
THE NEED TO REFOCUS ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  It’s no less true of the first followers of Jesus
Ø  Right after hearing Jesus speak of his coming suffering and death, two of them, James and John, not unlike us, turn the focus to themselves, asking for the positions of honor
Ø  “We want you to do for us whatever we ask of you”
Ø  Clearly their focus is off and needs redirecting from “me” to “others”
Ø  But how is this shift of focus to come about if what David Campbell says is true?
IGNATIAN EXAMEN +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  How it came about for me was the practice of the daily examen which I still faithfully do each day
Ø  There are 2 questions in the Examen that motivate me and make this redirecting “from-me-2-others” possible
Ø  One comes in answering the question: “How have I experienced God’s love today?”
Ø  A 2nd comes in answering the question: “How might today and that experience of God’s love lead to a brighter tomorrow?”
Ø  Note the switch: the value is now God’s action in my life and the reward is the flourishing of others
Conclusion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Jesus, in addressing motivation by refocusing from-me-to-others has maintained value and reward as powerful forces for the transformation of others
Ø  And he has bested David Campbell


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