Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Daily HOMILY for March 18, 2013: Monday of 5th Week of Lent, Cycle C

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Monday of the 5th Week of Lent

Mepkin Abbey

March 18, 2013

PUBLIC OFFICE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  One reads laments occasionally that really good people in our country – persons of integrity and character – don’t run for public office
Ø  One reason advanced for this is that once someone puts him or herself forward in this way they become a steady target for attack and for probing
Ø  It happens with the election of a new pope as well
Ø  One’s private life is over
Ø  Even the slightest lapses in one’s past become fodder for the press and other politicians
WOMEN IN FIRST READING ++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Think of what an unforgiving enemy or press could do with the histories of two people like those we hear about in today’s first reading!
Ø  The two women there stand for each of us
Ø  Like the woman taken in adultery, most of us have sins and failures in our past if not in our present
Ø  Like Susanna, any one of us is open to accusations – whether false or with some truth, or based on misunderstanding or misinterpretation
REGARDING OURSELVES ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Our only security is God and our conscience
Ø  If, despite failures in the past, we are trying to live a good life today, we need to trust in what we know to be true of ourselves
Ø  We need to trust in our intentions and God’s acceptance
REGARDING OTHERS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Further, we all contribute to the climate of our monastery, our home, our place of work by the severity or gentleness with which we judge each other
Ø  The question for us today may be, “Do we possibly impose outrageously unrealistic standards on others, while excusing ourselves?”
Ø  We need (1) To know ourselves honestly and (2) To allow for the fact that we cannot know others as well
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Through our feasting on the word and body of Jesus in this Mass, we learn something of his gentleness, forgiveness, and understanding
Ø  The issue is whether we become what we’ve heard and eaten