Monday, March 18, 2013

Daily HOMILY for February 25, 2013: Monday of 2nd Week of Lent, Cycle C

Monday of 2nd Lent
St. Clement Church Parish Mission
February 25, 2013

POINTING THE FINGER +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  So easy to point a finger at someone and utter a judgment
Ø  Look at her and the way she dresses!
Ø  Look at that poor child; what kind of parents must he have!
Ø  You’ll never see them in church and they have a son who’s a priest!
WHY WE DON’T JUDGE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  How easy to point a finger. We all do, myself included
Ø  And to each of us Jesus is “Stop judging”
Ø  Why such a strong admonition – it’s in all four gospels – and why so difficult to comply?
1.      Judging others is wrong because it is God’s prerogative to blame, condemn, and execute punishment for wrongdoing, not ours
2.      Secondly, when we judge others we project our own guilt. It’s the old adage: “When you point a finger, three of them are pointing to the real problem”
Both judgment and guilt seem to foster the same tendencies in us; yes the very thing we oppose becomes our own inclination
3.      Finally only God know the motivations, circumstances, and causes of the other’s wrongdoing
BUT WHAT TO DO? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  But what do we do when we observe wrongdoing?
Ø  It is not our obligation to care, to discern what’s wrong, and to take action? Yes, if we do so with mercy and forgiveness
Ø  This is very difficult to do, but Jesus promised the Spirit to help us know when, how, and if we are to speak
Ø  One thing is sure. Before we are quick to speak words of judgment, we would do well to start with ourselves, to silence our critical minds and offer our lives to God, who has promised to be a merciful, kind, and loving judge
Ø  When our mind is at rest in God, we find that we no longer blame others
Ø  Scorn or slander doesn’t even come to our minds
A GREAT LENTEN PRACTICE +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  This is difficult
Ø  But only as we learn to withhold judgment and forgive others – only then can we kneel before God and experience the refreshing relief of God’s forgiveness