Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Daily HOMILY for December 5, 2012: Wednesday of 1st Sunday in Advent, Cycle C

Wednesday 1st Week of Advent
St. Luke’s Institute
December 5, 2012
Ø  A poor woman carrying a small pail came to Mother Teresa’s soup kitchen to beg for rise for her children
Ø  Mother Teresa took her small pail and filled it with rice from the kitchen’s bin
Ø  After thanking Mother for her kindness, the woman took out a second container and poured half of the rice into it
Ø  “Why did she do that?” Mother Teresa was asked by a visitor
Ø  Mother explained that the second container was for another family near the woman’s home who could not make the long trek to the soup kitchen
Ø  The saint was asked why, then, did she not offer to fill the second container for the woman
Ø  Mather Teresa answered, “Because I did not want to deprive her of the blessing of sharing”
Ø  The miracle recounted in today’s Gospel is a miracle about sharing
Ø  When confronted with the needs of the crowds, Jesus takes all that the apostles have managed to collect – seven loaves of bread and a few fist, according to Matthew’s version, and manages to feed everyone
Ø  We have begun the season of sharing and gift-giving
Ø  Advent anticipates God’s greatest gift to his people – the gift of himself in the person of Christ
Ø  At this table, we celebrate that gift in the simple blessings of bread and wine
Ø  All that God asks of us is that we be willing to become bread and wine – Eucharist – in the compassion and forgiveness we are able to extend to one another
CONCLUSION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  May the Lord take the bread and fish that we are able to give and transform them into vehicles of God’s compassion for those we encounter today
Ø  May the blessings of this Advent Season be, for us, the blessing of sharing many times over