Thursday, August 09, 2012

Weekly SUMMER SNIPPETS for August 12, 2012: Spiritual Presence for Men In Stressful Times

Summer Snippets: “Spiritual Presence for Men In Stressful Times”

            It’s time to talk about contemplative presence to the guys out there and if you’re a gal, I’d like to talk to the man in your life. The frenetic world men find themselves in today can wear you down. Responsibilities to the family, job, aging parents, volunteer commitments can all come together to get you wrapped around the axel. Not only is there no time left for yourself, but there’s no time to be alone, to be in the presence of God who continues trying to break through into our world.
Last year I was asked by the Retreat and Conference Center at Bon Secours, in Marriottsville, MD, to design a weekend workshop/retreat for men only. It would be an opportunity for men to walk an inner path that can transform the stresses, strains, and challenges at home and at work into productive encounters with the holy, the grace-filled, the center of who we really are. This I have done and I will be offering the workshop/retreat on the 3rd weekend of September, the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. The weekend runs from Friday 5:00pm to Sunday 1:00pm.
Participants will explore specific ways for expanding our awareness of God’s ever-abiding living Presence. That Presence, which is always with us, is a source of steady wisdom, gentle guidance, and quiet strength. What emerges from that union is a partnership for compassionate healing and decisive action in the many arenas of our lives. So what can you expect from this time together with other guys all seeking a little space to pull your life together and set it in a new direction that includes God’s transforming presence? You can expect time to decompress and realign yourself with God’s transforming grace. You can expect great meals and lots of rest.  You can expect new insights in how male spirituality differs from female spirituality. You can key into how men of other cultures contact their inner selves and how it gets expressed.
Friday evening begins with a consideration of the unique stresses in men’s lives today. Saturday has us considering male spiritual energy and delving into the types of male roles through which that energy gets expressed today. The day concludes with a presentation on God’s presence as an energy that can empower your life. Sunday morning has a final session on how to keep the energy flowing in your life and the workshop/retreat ends with Mass followed by lunch. So you come after work on Friday and can be home mid-afternoon on Sunday renewed and refreshed.
            The format of the weekend is not a series of lectures, but experiential learning so it’s a bit of instruction, experience, reflection and sharing if you care to do so. What we hope to deliver by Sunday noon is a better understanding of male energy and how we can use it to decrease stress through an experience of God’s Presence. It is a Presence that can make a difference in our life as a man.
            Is there is something in you causing you to pause to consider joining us? If there is take it as an answer to the desire you have for God in your life! If you would like more information on the workshop/retreat you can email me at If you would like to register, go to I hope you will consider joining us.

Father Nicholas

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