Monday, January 19, 2015

Daily HOMILY for January 7, 2015: Wednesday after Epiphany

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Wednesday after Epiphany
St. Luke’s Institute

January 7, 2015

AMIDST A STORMY SEA +++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Mark paints the scene vividly
Ø  It’s a stormy wind tossed night on Sea of Galilee
Ø  Just hours before, the disciples witnessed extraordinary multiplication of loaves and fishes and were dismissed, while Jesus stayed behind
Ø  On the sea the waves begin to swell; the boat is awash from whitecaps as the boat takes on water
Ø  In the exhaustion is settling on them after night of toiling against elements. They squint 2C J waking across the waves & believe they’re hallucinating
Ø  Mark ends the account with a reference to their lack of understanding
Ø  Given the circumstances, doesn’t a bit of incomprehension seem plausible?
Ø  The last line of the account is revelatory: “On the contrary, their hearts were hardened”
Ø  We generally associate hardheartedness with coldness or indifference, but again, doesn’t a bit of incomprehension seem plausible?
Ø  If so, it’s a curious way to describe the disciples understandable terror and confusion
EXPLANATION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  In today’s parlance we might describe the disciples’ hearts as “hardwired,” and thus they were unable to see things in a different way
Ø  The way we think about something is like a wire or pathway that’s been set in our brain
Ø  To change how we think about that reality requires a new pathway or wire
Ø  It takes an openness to change the wiring
Ø  It takes time & involves the process of forming a new habit
Ø  Being open 2 new wiring, i.e., new ways of seeing, hearing, & embracing what cannot B grasped solely through intellect, is called “conversion”
CONCLUSION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  What such openness to new wiring affords us is:
Ø  Recognition of a deeper presence embedded in our daily experiences
Ø  The ability to celebrate the simple wonders of creation and abundance
Ø  And Safety from the storms in our lives
Ø  The Gospel assures us it’s well worth the risks!
