Sunday, May 03, 2015

Daily HOMILY for April 22, 2015: Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Easter

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Wednesday 3rd Week of Easter
St. Luke’s Institute
April 22, 2015
DOMINICANS & FRANCISCANS +++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Dominican and Franciscan friars have had a long difference of opinion on what heaven will be like
Ø  The difference seems appropriate, given the charism of each Order and the style of their founders, St. Francis, & St. Dominic
WHAT EACH BELIEVES ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Franciscan theologians believe it’ll B the luv of God that will be the encounter & experience of heaven
Ø  This is fitting in light of the love that drove St. Francis to his life’s work
Ø  Dominican theologians, on the other hand, argue that we will see God as he is in his essence
Ø  It’s fitting that the encounter of heaven 4 followers of St. Dominic would be in the intellect
Ø  It is how the Order of Preachers was formed to deal with the theological challenges of the time
APPLICATION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The question I’d pose for us today is toward which do you gravitate as a way for encountering God in our life, is it by our head or our heart?
Ø  In the Gospel we read that it is the will of God that, “All who see Jesus – that is, experience him – and believe in him – that is, know him – will have eternal life”
Ø  It looks like we need both head and heart
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  It is just a question of do we lead as a Dominican (head) or a Franciscan (heart)
Ø  I know how I lead, do you know your inclination?
