Sunday, April 26, 2015

Daily HOMILY for April 8, 2015: Wednesday, Easter Octave, Cycle B

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Wednesday Octave of Easter

St. Luke’s Institute

April 8, 2013

RISING FROM THE DEAD? ++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  We speak of Jesus as “rising from the dead”
Ø  This description gives impression J in control of situation & rose by own power
Ø  There is truth in this perspective
Ø  Jesus is Son of God, that he’s G & divine, he could rise by his own power
Ø  Yet, today’s Gospel & other passages this week use a different expression
Ø  Disciples in Jerusalem say to 2 disciples coming from Emmaus, “The Lord has truly been raised”
Ø  On Easter, R 1st rdg was Peter’s homily and in it said, “This man God raised on the third day”
Ø  So, why this expression? What’s going on here?
Ø  If we speak of J “rising from the dead,” we set J’ suffering & passion apart fr R own
Ø  We posit Jesus as completely in control
Ø  But in R pain, suffering, & death, we’re powerless & not in control
RISING OR RAISED? +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  So, when Scriptures carefully speak of J being “raised” by G, they’re not denying J’ real identity or power.
Ø  In fact, Peter has been testifying to J’ power of healing & power over life itself
Ø  What Scriptures are conveying is that J identified w/ us so fully  & completely assumed our humanity even he felt powerless & afraid when confronting pain & suffering
Ø  Even Jesus, instead of relying on own inner resources, trusted in power of the F 2B w/ him thru it all & 2 raise him up
CONCLUSION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  So expressions, like “The Lord has truly been raised” convey J’s complete solidarity w/ us in the powerlessness of pain, suffering, & death
Ø  & they convey Js’ invitation 2 do what he did:
Ø  2 entrust ourselves to love of G 2 sustain & raise us up to life eternal


HOMILY for April 7, 2015: Tuesday, Easter Octave, Cycle B

PODCAST - Press sideways triangle below to listen

Tuesday Easter Octave / St. Luke’s / April 7, 15
Christmas Versus Easter +++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Easter is different from Christmas
Ø  Easter ends w/ 2 men & a woman bef MT tomb
Ø  E witness to meaning of what it is 2 go on despite death, go on in face of death, becz of death
Ø  To celebrate Easter means, stand in light of MT & decide what to do next w/ our lives
Ø  Mary M 1 transformed by standing before & who they were before tomb different from after
Ø  Transformation can show us effect MT tomb can have on us, as we stand there as well
Clinging Believer 2 Proclaimer ++++++++++++++
Ø  Mary is the 1 who followed J all her life; never doubted; w/ him all way 2 cross
Ø  A woman w/ great insight & great commitment, but she’s more a believer than a proclaimer
Ø  Sees tomb open, but doesn’t go in, afraid or perhaps that what’s going on in tomb is going 2 demand more than she’s given
Ø  Perhaps the idea of doing more / doing it differently is what stops her where she stands
Ø  She comes to place where it’s clear that failure lays; J failed in mission & life’s ended in disgrace
Ø  She’s come faith that what had come to life in her because of J wouldn’t die
Ø  Not in her. Faith would be enough for her
APPLICATION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  She’s part of us that takes pride in r “Catholicity”
Ø  Faithful 2 our prayers, volunteering, support Ch
Ø  Like Mary Mag we cling to Jesus and his Church
Ø  But clinging 2 him is what J doesn’t want of us
Ø  He wants us 2 speak out about him, witness 2 his presence amng ill & needy, elderly, & challenged
Ø  He wants us to speak out against sexism wherever we find it. To give voice to those who have little of no voice
Ø  He wants more than passive belief; wants her & us 2B his living voice, risen from grave
Conclusion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  We all stand at empty tomb & must leave 2 return 2R living life in cty, at work, & at play
Ø  Mary came 2 tomb as clinging believer & leaves ready 2 proclaim gd news 2 all who’ll listen
Ø  And you? How have you come and, facing a seeming tragedy, how do you leave?
Ø  Easter demands as much of us today, as it did of the disciples then