Thursday, December 04, 2014

HOMILY for November 24, 2014: Commissioning Service

PODCAST - Press sideways triangle below to listen   

Commissioning Ceremony
St. Luke’s Institute
November 24, 2014
THE PROMISE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  “Come 2me, all who labor & R burdened & I’ll give U rest
Ø  Take yoke upon you & you’ll find rest 4 selves
Ø  For my yoke easy & burden light”
Ø  2 understand what J means & how he can help us, have 2 know what he means by his “yoke” 
YOKE FIT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  None of us has ploughed field w/ team of oxen
Ø  In J’ day, only way to do it
Ø  A “yoke” = wooden collar fit around neck of oxen & connected them 2 plough
Ø  In J’ time, carpenters handcrafted each 2 fit ox
Ø  If fit well, could plough all day & 5x its weight
Ø  But if not fit well, rubbed & chafed & cut into ox until each step = torture
Ø  U can C why a carpenter would be known by quality of oxen yokes he crafted
YOKE DOUBLED +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Also practice 2 have oxen in double yoke
Ø  Usually 2 oxen joined together by yoke & together pulling plough
Ø  A younger, weaker, more vulnerable ox was trained by pairing it w/ stronger, more mature ox
Ø  So stronger 1 ended up bearing heavier portion of load & led younger less experienced ox on
Application +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  W/ image of (1) double (2) well-fitted yokes we can begin 2 understand what Jesus means by “My yoke is easy & my burden light”
Ø  Maxim holds true for both individual & Lord
Ø  When we R bearing loss in our lives, challenged by circumstances that seemed beyond control, when we feel lost & forsaken then, need to remember…
Ø  Yoke (1) was made to fit me, (2) I am w/ Lord in yoke, & not pulling load alone
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  SS helps us understand, S-I-S gives us the experience and the grace
Ø  The grace of J’s presence right there next to her, pulling load w/ her and, like stronger, more mature of the pair, even bearing the heavier portion
Ø  That presence has brought Salome to this day
