Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Daily HOMILY for January 29, 2014: Wednesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

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In 2014, I am facilitating a 12-week interactive online course in contemplative prayer and action for priests with Saint Luke Institute.  Please visit to learn more:
3rd Wednesday in OT
St. Luke Institute
January 29, 2014
4 MIND STATES +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  In praying over today’s Gospel I looked at 4 kinds of earth into which God’s word is planted
Ø  I tried to give them meaning in terms of my own emotional & spiritual life since those are very pertinent to our life here at SLI 
CLOSED MIND ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The 1st is the closed mind
Ø  The “wayside” = narrow footpaths beside the fields
Ø  When seed fell on footpath, couldn’t penetrate soil & remained there in open, 2B devoured by birds
Ø  ~  I’m there when I cannot make connection between claims of Gospel & my own life
Ø  I cannot see how Gospel holds any value for me
CONFUSED MIND ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The 2nd is the confused mind
Ø  Stony places covered by thin layer of soil, common
Ø  Seed cast here germinates & quickly springs into promising plant
Ø  But, w/o depth, sun beats down on tender plant & it withers & dies w/o any fruit
Ø  Me when I’ve an emotional response to Gospel & get caught up am willing 2 give it a try but unwilling 2 nurture insight by sharing in sm grp
CLUTTERED MIND +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The 3rd is the cluttered mind
Ø  Soil like it’s ready to be sown, but roots beneath
Ø  Seed sprouts w/ all other weeds & thorns, choking tender shoots
Ø  It’s me when I want both the benefits of the Gospel while clinging to past life of fantasy
Ø  Best of ambitions can’t survive w/ divided heart
Ø  Often I begin well & think I can court two loves!
CULTIVATED MIND ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  In the 4th we have the cultivated mind
Ø  Earth that’s been prepared & cultivated
Ø  The seed has been allowed to be seated deep w/i
Ø  It’s a field that is nurtured and maintained
Ø  It’s here committed to R therapy, working & supporting 1 another
Ø  It’s hearts that challenge, forgive, & nurture
Ø  It’s God’s grace operative & bringing to fruition
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  G causes believer 2 begin 2 bear fruit 4 glory of G
Ø  Am’t of fruit = work of G’s grace as uses us 4 glory


Daily HOMILY for January 28, 2014: Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

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In 2014, I am facilitating a 12-week interactive online course in contemplative prayer and action for priests with Saint Luke Institute.  Please visit to learn more:
3rd Tuesday in OT
St. Luke Institute
January 28, 2014
GATES LIFTING UP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The words of the psalmist to the personified gates of Jerusalem are startling: “Lift up, O gates…that the king of glory may come in!”
Ø  Suddenly, in the midst of the routine business of receiving travelers, tradesmen, and pilgrims, the king of glory arrives in a shimmering moment on a burnished afternoon
Ø  One can imagine the gates swiftly brushing fatigue from their hinges and afternoon dust from their portals to ready themselves for this most special of guests
KINSHIP & DANCING +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  On another burnished afternoon, those sitting around Jesus must have been equally startled to hear him open the doors of kinship beyond their usual bounds
Ø  And on yet another afternoon, perhaps some were startled to see David dancing before the ark of the Lord
THE PROPER STANCE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The Scriptures of today remind and challenge us to be open, welcoming, and reverent before the many ways in which the Lord comes to us
Ø  Whether it is in the dusty garb of a pilgrim
or in the shimmering approach of the king of glory,
in the stranger who is our brother or sister,
or in the golden gleam of the tabernacle
IT WAS FOR THOMAS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  St. Thomas Aquinas, whose memorial we celebrate today, was among those holy ones who opened their hearts to recognize the shimmering presence of the Lord
IT CAN BE FOR US ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The example of the saints, the dance of David, the lifted gates of Jerusalem, and the words of Jesus
Ø  Teach us that any moment can be the shimmering moment of a burnished afternoon
Ø  When, in the midst of our routine, bustling business,
Ø  Christ comes to us
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Let us brush the fatigue from our shoulders and the dust from our hands, and ready ourselves to greet the Lord
Ø  …in whatever way he comes!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Daily HOMILY for January 14, 2014: Tuesday of the 1st Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

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In 2014, I am facilitating a 12-week interactive online course in contemplative prayer and action for priests with Saint Luke Institute.  Please visit to learn more:
Tuesday 1st Week OT
St. Luke’s Institute
January 14, 2014
Power of Evil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Commentators on Scripture point out that people of NT times believed in the presence & power of devils all around them
Ø  & esp as causes of illness & harm
POWER OF EVIL VANQUISHED +++++++++++++++++++
Ø  2 readings today suggest the frustrations & ills of ordinary life which lend credence 2 notion that evil power is at work
Ø  Like Hannah, many have hopes that seem doomed 2 disappointment
Ø  In Hannah’s case, “Lord remembered her” & she had son, destined to be Samuel
Ø  Man in Gospel 2 was relieved of presence of demon, whatever form
Ø  Other Gospel stories suggest some cases looked like mental illness or epilepsy
Ø  There R present in R own lives or those of R families or friends illnesses like those attributed 2 unclean spirits by J’s contemporaries
Ø  Childlessness, cancer, unemployment, accidents – the list seems infinite
Ø  Would B wonderful if 1 could promise healing & solution 2 all R problems in exchange 4 trust in J
Ø  But all know from example of faithful people who nevertheless suffer that there’s no such simple arrangement
Ø  (1) Can the fact that the Scriptures show us people getting responses from God help us to trust?
Ø  (2) And are there R own friends who attest 2 that
Ø  (3) Or maybe another time of R life attests 2 it also
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Part of the faith we pray 4 & work at daily = maintaining trust in G even when answer 2 R prayer = long in coming or never evident
Ø  Perhaps we need G’s help 2B less self-centered, less anxious about our own personal needs, and more willing to respond to needs & suffering of those around us
Ø  With St. Francis the answer may be that we need “not so much to be consoled as to console.”


Daily HOMILY for January 13, 2014: Monday of the 1st Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

PODCAST - Press sideways triangle below to listen

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In 2014, I am facilitating a 12-week interactive online course in contemplative prayer and action for priests with Saint Luke Institute.  Please visit to learn more:
Monday 1st Week OT
St. Luke’s Institute
January 13, 2014
NOT PRINCIPLES +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  People who study theology can be tempted to overestimate the importance of that study
Ø  An intelligent person who’s able 2 understand physics or development of Russian empire also makes effort 2 understand Scripture & content of faith on comparable level
Ø  None of this study should ever fool us about essence of being a XTN
BUT PERSONS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Being a XTN has 2 do w/ following inspiring person
Ø  Call of the DD in Gospel makes clear J didn’t get them fr theology sch or an institution of learning
Ø  Fishermen, simple men who lived by work of hands
Ø  & that 4 which left everything 2 follow wasn’t set of principles or theology, but an impressive person
Ø  They’d heard & seen him before but now, in response to call, abandon everything to follow him
PRINCIPLES VS PERSONSE +++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Humans not moved by principles & theories as they are by a human being
Ø  For good or ill – ill, in case of a Hitler or Mussolini – people R moved by humans who exercise attraction & exemplify great ideals
Ø  In our lives, do R best out of love 4 someone or loyalty 2 someone
Ø  That’s what inspires us in depressing moments or difficult times…
Ø  Thought of person I love or admire, presence fulfills me, who makes pains of life seem trivial
Ø  Martyrs didn’t die for abstract principle but out of love 4 a person…the Lord
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Prayerful reflection on Gospels & all they say about J helps recognize & rejoice in fact that R faith = not intellectual exercise of accepting truths
Ø  It’s issue of following inspiring person
Ø  XTN isn’t believer in collection of truths, but follower of incomparable & all-lovable individual, J
