Thursday, December 26, 2013

HOMILY for December 25, 2013: Christmas Day - Children's Mass, Cycle A

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Christmas, Cycle A
St. Mary Magdalene Our Lady of Grace
December 25, 2013

Power of a Baby +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Ø  How many of you have seen a brand new baby?
Ø  What are they like? (They answer)
Ø  What do you like most about them? (They answer)

Baby of Bethlehem ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Ø  When God wants an imp thing done in the world or to right a wrong, G does it in a simple & gentle way
Ø  He doesn't do it w/ angry thunderbolts or terrible earthquakes. Instead God has a tiny baby born, in a simple home, of a very gentle mother
Ø  God puts his idea or purpose into a mother's heart & she puts it into baby's mind, & then – God waits
Babies, a Sign of Hope ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Great events in world R not battles, elections, earthquakes, or thunderbolts, but birth of babies
Ø  Each newborn baby comes w/ message that G isn’t discouraged with R world & its future, and God is still expecting good to take hold in each person
Ø  So in every birth – our bros and srs, cousins & neighbors – G is calling us to greatness
APPLICATION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  So what is it newborns are trying to tell us?
Ø  Can’t be w/ their lips, 4 they can’t speak yet. It can’t B w/ their hands becz they can’t write yet
Ø  The answer is, they do it by just by being babies, and it’s what happens in us that makes clear the message
Ø  HAPPY: For starters we can say babies make us happy. Look how their gurgling & kicking make everyone around them smile
Ø  So if I’m feeling sad, they can cheer me up
Ø  HELPFUL: Or how about the love and happiness they show us when we do something good for them? How they smile when we give them the pacifier, or stop crying when we pick them up
Ø  HUMBLE: In looking at their tiny little fingers or their bright little eyes, they also show us the miracle of birth and the perfect formation of another human being. That makes us humble
Ø  So Happy, Helpful and Humble! Newborns are ways that God uses to bless us and make us better brothers and sisters and neighbors to others
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Whether infant Jesus or R own brother or sister, it’s a time 2 thank God 4 blessing of babies thru which he touches R heart & helps us change R ways
