Sunday, November 10, 2013

Daily HOMILY for November 4, 2013: Monday of 31st Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

In 2014, I am facilitating a 12-week interactive online course in contemplative prayer and action for priests with Saint Luke Institute.  Please visit to learn more:

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Monday 31st Week Ordinary Time
St. Luke’s Institute
Memorial of Saint Charles Borromeo

November 4, 2013

QUID PRO QUO IN LIFE +++++++++++++++++++++++++

Ø  We’ve all heard the Latin expression “quid pro quo”
Ø  Literally, it means “This for that”
Ø  “Quid pro quo” is a governing principle of economics, of the marketplace, & even of law
Ø  Every contract is based on a “quod pro quo”
Ø  You paint my house, and I’ll pay you $3000
Ø  In everyday life, the “quid pro quo” principle is good and maybe even indispensable
Ø  It is hard to imagine how society would stay ordered and how our social and economic structures would hold together without this
Ø  The “quid pro quo” principle has a lot of value

QUID PRO QUO W/ JESUS +++++++++++++++++++++++

Ø  And yet, in today’s Gospel, Jesus calls us to go beyond that
Ø  He tells the people he is having dinner with not to invite people who can return the favor
Ø  Instead, invite people who cannot invite you to their home in kind of a “quid pro quo” way
Ø  Why does Jesus say this?

WHY THIS WITH JESUS? +++++++++++++++++++++++++

Ø  He is not trying to ruin social structures or economic order
Ø  What he is trying to do is to get us, at least at times, to live out of God’s unconditional love and generosity
Ø  God doesn’t operate on a “quid pro quo” basis in his relationship with us; if he did we’d be finished
Ø  God just gives, unreservedly and unconditionally
Ø  Jesus’ dying on the cross is ample evidence of that

APPLICATION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Ø  Jesus is teaching here that when we do this, as when we help a resident or staff member, a family member or friend who will never be able to reciprocate, we are really very close to God
Ø  When we help the poor & those lacking basics, we are acting & living as God does to us
Ø  We’re allowing life of God 2 flow thru us in very pure way
Ø  That’s why Jesus says that when we do this, we will B especially blessed
