Thursday, May 15, 2008

Weekly HOMILY for May 18, 2008: Our Genetic Code

Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, Cycle A
Our Lady of Grace
May 18, 2008

Our Genetic Code
By (Rev. Msgr.) Nicholas P. Amato


Does anyone know the other name for Deoxyribonucleic Acid? It is simply the technical term for DNA.

DNA is our genetic code – something that has been popularized on CSI and other crime solving TV shows.

It is important to note that there are certain elements in our genetic code that are common to all of us. Those commonly shared codes are what make us human beings.

But there are other elements in our genetic code that are absolutely unique for each person and no two people have the exact same combination and that’s what makes each of us different. That’s right; no two people are exactly alike.

I began thinking about this when I was reflecting earlier this week on today’s celebration of the Holy Trinity.

My idea is that there are certain specifications that are built right into us as human beings, into our spiritual genetic code, that lead us or draw us to God specifically as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Here is what I have in mind.

God the Father

First, doesn’t it seem to be a fact of human nature that we always – and I do mean always – want something other than what we have at the present moment? Don’t we often want something different or something more?

For example, if we drive a Chevey Malibu, don’t we start noticing the Buick Lucerne or the Toyota Camry?

If we are here at home in Parkton or Whitehall or Hereford, don’t we wish we could be in Florida or wherever? And if we are in Florida, don’t we eventually say that it will be good to get back home?

Yes, we are always looking for something other than what we have. We want something more or different.

I would like to suggest that this hunger for the other is built right into us. It is part of our spiritual genetic code.

It is a piece of evidence of the Divine Other within us, a piece of the Divine who has made us and who alone will satisfy this hunger.

We call this Divine Other “God the Father.”

God the Son

And then, isn’t it true that as part of our common genetic code we all want to be loved and to love?

Don’t we look for affirmation from a parent, a teacher, a scout leader, a boss, whomever? Doesn’t our sense of self-esteem to some extent come from being loved by at least somebody?

And, in turn, don’t we feel very good when we are loving others? Don’t we feel fulfilled when we have done something to help someone or when we have expressed our love with a gift to that special person?

My point is that deep down within us there is this hunger to love and to be loved and it is part of our spiritual genetic code.

This is why Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel are so magnetic: “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…” In another passage, the Scripture goes so far as to say: “God is love.”

So, God is love itself and gives himself fully to us in the person of Jesus. We call this experience of God’s love “God the Son.”

God the Holy Spirit

Finally, isn’t it true that we want the other or the others whom we love to be with us?

If a husband and wife are apart because one of them is on a business trip, don’t they try to remain present to each other through an e-mail or phone call? When we go to movies, don’t we want a friend or family member to go with us?

And don’t we keep photos of our children who live far away or of our parents who have died on our bedroom dressers? Don’t we want to share Thanksgiving dinner with another or others who are close to us?

Yes, deep down within us is this hunger to be with others or with the other. This is also part of our spiritual genetic code.

I believe that this points to the presence of the Divine Other within us. In fact, our hunger to be with others will in the long run only be satisfied by the Divine Other.

And this Divine Other chooses to remain with us even now, here on earth, through his Spirit. We call this the Holy Spirit.


This may be a new way of approaching the Trinity we celebrate today.

In our spiritual genetic code, we have this deep down hunger for something or someone other. We have this deep down hunger to love and to be loved.

And we have this deep down hunger for the presence of others in our lives.

Theses elements of our genetic code are evidences of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

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