Sunday, October 04, 2015

Daily HOMILY for September 23, 2015: Wednesday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time

PODCAST - Press sideways triangle below to listen

Wednesday 25th Week OT
St. Luke’s Institute
September 23, 2015
WIND, THUNDER … NO RAIN +++++++++++++++++++
Ø  There is a story about a Native American who was attending a revival tent meeting one evening in New Mexico
Ø  The preacher came on very strong – shouting and yelling, pounding the podium, and even jumping up and down
Ø  But for al his ranting, not much was being said
Ø  After the meeting, a friend of the Native American came up and asked him what he thought about the preacher
Ø  The Native American replied: “High wind, big thunder, but no rain!”
JESUS’ SECRET +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Today’s Gospel gives us much of Jesus’ teaching and preaching, for which we are grateful
Ø  And it seems clear that his listeners were very attracted to his words and his message
Ø  And it also seems true that Jesus never shouted, ranted, or raved
Ø  His stories are simple, conveying the most important truths of love, fidelity, honesty, and care for others in ways people could understand and even identify with
CHRISTIANS’ SECRET ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Most XTNS never have the opportunity to actually “preach” as we generally think of that word
Ø  And yet, we have all been touched by something we saw on TV, in another person’s behavior, in helping someone in need, or in assisting an injured person
Ø  “Actions do speak louder than words”
Ø  Most good “sermons” are spoken by people who are not even aware of what they are saying or doing
Ø  You can probably name such a person in this community who’s been that for you
CONCLUSION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Lightning and thunder more often push people away
Ø  Gentle rains – as in words – make things grow
