Sunday, June 07, 2015

Daily HOMILY for May 20, 2015: Commissioning Service

PODCAST - Press sideways triangle below to listen

Commissioning Service
St. Luke’s Institute
May 20, 2015
A RABBI’S DILEMMA ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  In the Gospels it is important to remember that Jesus is engaged as a rabbi
Ø  Rabbis then, as rabbis today, are not hierarchical authorities, they are teachers
Ø  As such, they are engaged by the faithful in sharing teachings and answering questions
Ø  This is the dialog that the Scribes and Pharisees are engaged in with Jesus
Ø  And add to that the fact that they are trying to trip him up. for:
Ø  If he says, “Stone her” he’ll lose the name he’s gained for love and mercy, and no longer be the friend of sinners
Ø  If he says, “Spare her” he’ll be on collision course w/ Rome, 4 Jews had no power 2 put 2 death  
FACTS OF THE CASE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Notice Jesus’ response: (1) silence, (2) writing in the dirt, and (3) a simple sentence of 10 words, “Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone”
Ø  What are the facts the scene elicits:
o   She has indeed sinned according to Jewish law
o   There are prescribed punishments for such
o   All, but Jesus, have sinned to some degree
o   What part might mercy, compassion, & understanding play?
Ø  By way of application of the scene to our own lives, we might ask…
Ø  When we were in the middle of the circle before coming to SLI…
Ø  And being judged, justly or unjustly, 4 something … we would well understand feelings of the woman as she looked into eyes of her accusers
Ø  We would also understand her feelings when she turned and looked into the eyes of Jesus and heard…
Ø    “Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone”
CONCLUSION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  We here at SLI are those eyes and ears, mouth and heart of the Lord Jesus himself
