Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekly HOMILY for October 27, 2013: 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle C

PODCAST - Press sideways triangle below to listen

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mepkin Abbey, South Carolina
October 28, 2013
IMAGE LADEN WORLD +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  We live in image-laden world
Ø  Advertising can change R buying habits / How we see ourselves, politics, & R religious practices
Ø  There’s a stress on being able 2 make things appear genuine, attractive, wholesome, & good
Ø  That = key demand: appearance
Ø  It might B good, but must appear good; not all cracked up 2B, but if marketed well, who cares?
Ø  “More fiber added”
Ø  This = world of the lie, where reality = perception
REALITY RATHER THAN IMAGE +++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Reality is R business because it comes fr G & will return 2 G & we have task of challenging the lie & we’ll B asked about R performance of that
Ø  Getting behind appearance is difficult
Ø  Have 2 constantly have reality ck on what’s being dished out and on what we’re buying into
Ø  Not being taken in by illusions we know = imp: we don’t want 2B fooled, conned, cheated
Ø  But it’s also XTN’s task 4 we proclaim J 2B the truth
Ø  Taking issue w/ hype & deception = part of R witness to truth
Ø  Making sure we’re not engaged in deceptions = basic of XTN discipleship
CHALLENGING THE IMAGES +++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Gospel challenges us today at several levels:
Ø  1st level of challenge is world of icons & brands
Ø  Pharisee = Very model of devout follower of Law
Ø  Tax collector = very model of “bad guy”
Ø  In world of stereotypes & images we’re 2 admire 1st & condemn 2nd
Ø  But G acts at level of truth, not of stereotypes & manufactured expectations
Ø  2nd level of challenge is contrast betw extrnl religious practice & desire 2B relationship w/ G
Ø  G doesn’t dwell at level of external & hmn display but in heart & it’s heart that grounds extrnl pract
Ø  3rd = contrast betw self-decption & self-knowledge
Ø  We con selves into believing R own propaganda w/o being aware of R faults & needs
Ø  All in need of greater integrity and of God’s mercy & both addressed in contpltve presnce w/o thinkng
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  We’re 2B people of “The Way” & = J is R model we follow
Ø  Today’s it’s clear: takes challenging icons/brands of what’s sold / religious practice not grnded in heart / & enuf silence 2 look @ R self-deceptn & self-knw 