Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Daily HOMILY for May 6, 2013: Monday of 6th Easter, Cycle C

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St. Luke’s Institute
Mon of 6th Week of Easter
May 6, 2013
HANGING OUT WITH WOMEN +++++++++++++++++++
Ø  St. Paul should fire his publicity agent
Ø  He’s gotten a bad rap as being no friend of women
Ø  Yet here he is again, hanging out with the ladies who pray down at the river outside Philippi
Ø  That meeting place is still called Lydia’s River today
Ø  That’s because Lydia, the purple dye dealer, was baptized there
Ø  A 4th c. church excavated nearby has no baptistery, doubtless because a baptismal site was right there
PAUL & LYDIA +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The encounter between Lydia and Paul is poignant
Ø  Lydia not woman’s name as her district of origin & she may have been known as “that Lydian woman”
Ø  Slaves were often identified by region and dyeing wool was a ghastly job handed over to their class
Ø  Freed slaves moved into the selling end of the trade as a natural extension of their skills
WHY SO CAPTIVATED? +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  All points to the idea that Lydia was a freedwoman who heard Paul more personally than most
Ø  Why she was so captivated by his teaching intrigued me  
Ø  Paul preached that in Christ there’s no Gentile or Jew, woman or man, slave or free person
Ø  Lydia was a Gentile, woman, and former slave!
Ø  Paul spoke to her perfect storm of issues and opened her heart to the Gospel
Ø  In response, she opens her home to Paul and his companions for use as a house church
Ø  Her hospitality makes an impression
APPLICATION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  What will it take for our perfect storm of issues to come together and hear the good news as Lydia?
Ø  Reaching rock bottom? Having crossed the final boundary? Realizing that the promise sin offered me can only end in death?
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Though Paul is jailed shortly, upon his release he will make a beeline for Lydia’s
Ø  Why not?
Ø  If only we all could hear the Gospel as keenly as she did!