Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Daily HOMILY for November 27, 2012: Tuesday of 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

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Tuesday of 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 27, 2012

JESUS’ ADVICE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  We really can’t say that Jesus didn’t warn us ahead of time
Ø  Warned not to be deceived, that many would come in his name saying, “I am he,” or “The time has come”
Ø  For the most part we ignore the warnings and have to learn for ourselves and after many deceptions we eventually do
AND WE GET CAUGHT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Think of the advertizing industry
Ø  It carefully monitors our choices, knows our weaknesses and them markets directly to us as individuals
Ø  “Now is the time to save…last chance!”
Ø  “The discriminating gentleman drinks…”
Ø  “The woman of elegance wears…”
Ø  “You’re out of touch if you don’t have this technology
Ø  Bingo! We’ve bought and they have their sale
HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN? +++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  What makes us pay attention to them and get snookered?
Ø  Advertisers know that we have an insatiable desire for wholeness, satisfaction, completion
Ø  It’s the appetite that God planted within us to get us back to him
Ø  Thus advertisers market to these deepest longings we have for intimacy and completion in God
Ø  That’s why they use words like: glory, satisfaction, completion, joy, bliss, all new, revolutionary
Ø  But in our deepest selves we know we’re restless till we rest in God
Ø  Augustine told us that long ago
CONCLUSION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Being aware of how we get snookered into buying something can not only make us savvy shoppers,
Ø  It can also teach us something about proper objects for our deepest longings and desires