Monday, November 26, 2012

Daily HOMILY for November 26, 2012: 34th Monday of Ordinary Time, Cycle B

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Daily Homily for November 26, 2012
St. Luke’s Institute

DROPPING OF THE COIN +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Imagine Jesus, after strenuous debates with members of the Sanhedrin and the Sadducees, is tired and takes a seat on a bench in the temple’s Court of the Women, head in his hands
Ø  He looks up and sees a number of folks dropping large amounts of coins in the 13 inverted-trumpet-like receptacles
Ø  The coins echo: “tsch, tsch, tsch” and then a small bent over elderly widow drops two tiny coins – pling, pling – into the receptacle and humbly walks away
Ø  He then rises and announces to all that, “What this poor widow has done out values all your offerings!”
2 THINGS DETERMINE VALUE +++++++++++++++++++++
Ø   2 things determine the value of a gift
Ø  1st the spirit in which it is given
Ø  When we give from our mind, the gift can be given with a grudge, for the sake of prestige, or self-display
Ø  It’s said that in such cases, it loses half its value
Ø  2nd a gift’s value is judged by the sacrifice which it involves
Ø  The gifts of the well-to-do in the temple didn’t cost them much personally, but for the widow, it is all she had to live on
Ø  They reckoned with the heads, she gave from her heart with seeming reckless abandon
CONCLUSION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  How are we with giving out of our need: giving time or monetary gifts, giving of our talents or insights?
Ø  Jesus confronts us with two models today and asks us to judge ourselves and what we need to change