Thursday, February 15, 2007

Weekly THIS AND THAT for February 18, 2007: Part 5 of Bishop Rozanski's Report: Our Shool

This and That:
Part 5 of Bishop Rozanski’s Report on Our Lady of Grace

This week we end with the fifth and final bulletin note on the November 8, 2006, visit of Bishop Mitch Rozanski and his staff to our parish. The complete report has been shared in this column over the past five weeks. This final installment deals with his commendations and recommendations regarding our parish Catholic School. As I have mentioned in prior weeks, you are invited to share your thoughts with members of the Pastoral Team or any members of the Pastoral Council. (They are the folks with the red ribbons around their necks each weekend at Sunday Mass.) Council members have an opportunity, at the conclusion of each monthly meeting, to share with the entire Council comments, kudos, or concerns made by individual parishioners.

Our Catholic School opened in 2000 and was the first new school in the Archdiocese in 35 years. From the very beginning, the parish supported the school by building the Education Center, which would also house our Religious Education Program and Youth Ministries. Over the past years the parish has covered the interest on the loans assumed by the school for its start-up costs and also outfitted the Library Media Center, the Arts Center, and the Science Lab with furniture and built-in cabinetry. The commitment of the pastor and the services of Deborah Webber, as Coordinator of Youth Ministries, Chris Pignataro, as Administrator of Religious Education, and Elaine Hagner, as Parish Administrator are all other ways the parish supports the efforts of the school. Finally, a grant of $20,000 is given to the school by the parish each year to go toward tuition assistance.

We are very proud of the comments made by Bishop Rozanski of our principal, Sister Helen, our teachers, and our students. How blest we are to have such a wonderful vehicle for parents to support their children’s growth in faith.

Father Nick Amato



The purpose of the Pastoral Visitation is to gain a greater understanding of the parish on many levels. Time spent in the parish meeting with parishioners, parish staff, pastor, lay corporators, council members, volunteers and various committees provides a lens through which the Vicar Bishop can gain insight into the many aspects of parish life and ministries of the parish. As such, the Pastoral Visitation does not include an in-depth assessment of either entity. The Division of Catholic Schools and the Division of Evangelization and Catechesis provide to the Bishop’s Office ongoing information and evaluation of both schools.

The Principal and Staff are commended for the following:

➢ The Principal, for her continued commitment to the growth and viability of Our Lady of Grace School.

➢ The faculty, for their continued energy and hard work in striving for academic excellence.

➢ The Principal and DRE for the appreciation they show for each other’s ministries and their willingness to collaborate together to better serve parish youth.

➢ The school leadership and faculty for fostering an appreciation of our Catholic heritage through creatively presented initiatives that foster community.


The Principal and Faculty are asked to address the following recommendations:

1. The provision of specific opportunities for younger school parents to work with senior parishioners on major events and fundraisers.

2. The development of a strategic plan to market the school to young families.

3. The initiation of an action plan to address areas of need as reflected in the recent Parent Satisfaction Survey.

4. The strict monitoring of the budget and enrollment as a means to develop strategies to address future tuition assistance and other needs.

December 21, 2006

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