Thursday, July 02, 2015

Daily HOMILY for June 30, 2015: Tuesday of the 13th Week in Ordinary Time

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Tuesday 13th Week OT
The Institute

June 30, 2015

TWO TYPES OF FOLLOWERS ++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Jesus says, “Fear not” or “Do not be afraid” in the Gospels 107 times
Ø  In Mt, Jesus spends a lot of time trying to get his followers 2 commit 2 discipleship wholeheartedly
Ø  Those who follow him fall into two groups: people on the outer edges, physically and literally
Ø  These are folks needing to jump in with both feet and follow Jesus unreservedly
Ø  The 2nd group, his inner circle, is fully committed but doesn’t understand all Jesus expects of them because their faith is not fully formed
Ø  As disciples, they still leave much to be desired
THE GOSPEL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  In today’s Gospel, Jesus is asleep in the boat and the seaworthy, experienced fishermen are terrified, which in itself seems a bit strange
Ø  When they call out to the Lord, he hears them, and he chastises them for showing fear in his presence
Ø  Their “little faith,” accompanied with amazement that Jesus has power over nature, belies their inner-circle status
Ø  Here’s the good news, though: They do have a little faith, if it only be the size of a mustard seed
Ø  They are beginning to understand the cost of discipleship and who is calling them
First Reading ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Lot may be Abraham’s nephew, but he is not as believing in God’s word as his uncle
Ø  He would be in the outer circle
Ø  He is still reticent to accept fully what he is being called to do to fulfill God’s plan
Ø  At times I find myself in the 1st; at other in the 2nd
CONCLUSION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The protomartyrs of Rome witnessed to the truth of Christ with their very lives during Nero’s persecution
Ø  They died in amphitheaters, were beheaded, burned alive, or crucified as entertainment for the crowds
Ø  We remember them today as perfect disciples who were not amazed at what Christ can do
Ø  Inside or outside the circle, their faith was great.
Ø  Ours, inside or out, could be as well!


Daily HOMILY for June 29, 2015: Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul

PODCAST - Press sideways triangle below to listen

Solemnity of Sts. Peter & Paul
The Institute
June 29, 2015
FOLLOWERS OF JESUS +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Studying the Gospels makes us aware of how human followers of Jesus were …
Ø  And how difficult it was 4 them 2 realize that he was “God from God”…
Ø  Or realizing it, how difficult is was to follow-up
PETER & PAUL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Peter, who claims to be ready to die for Jesus, curses and says before the crucifixion that he never knew the man
Ø  In many ways he seems to have been the least dependable of the Apostles,
Ø  Yet in the Gospels Jesus eventually makes him the rock on which he builds his church
Ø  From early XTN times Peter & Paul R remembered together in Rome, as they are still today
Ø  Only with time and more development did Rome become identifies so much with Peter
PURPOSE OF THE CHURCH +++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Today we remember 2 pillars of Church, it’s good to reflect on what the Church should mean to us
Ø  The purpose of the Church – i.e. the structure, sacraments, bishops, popes, etc. – is provide the place, time, and opportunity for its members to become more united with Christ, its head
Ø  Compared to this, rest is so much whipped cream
Ø  The purpose or excuse 4 the Church & all it involves is 2 make the K of God visible & audible…
Ø  To let God’s presence and love be evident…
Ø  To ensure that God’s word is preached and heard!
Ø  The Church is not the Kingdom of God…
Ø  Where God is center & guide of every life…
Ø  But she does exist to point us in that direction
Ø  Overdevelopment of the structures of the Church can obscure the real purpose of the Church
CONCLUSION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Recalling that the pope is also called pontiff, a word from the Latin meaning bridge-builder, reminds us that he, the bishops, the priest, the whole structure of the Church, are mean to be a bridge to the Kingdom of God
Ø  Each has a part in preserving & restoring the proper function of the Ch by keeping R eyes & hearts on its real purpose, R becoming like Christ
