Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Daily HOMILY for July 29, 2013: Monday of 17th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

PODCAST - Press sideways triangle below to listen

St. Luke’s Institute
Mon 17th Week OT

July 29, 2013

TO LEARN FROM MARTHA ++++++++++++++++++++++

Ø  Maybe becz I enjoy cooking & friends at home
Ø  Or maybe it’s becz my mother so hospitable & always room at table for 1 more
Ø  Whatever reason I always enjoyed biblical Martha as an individual & always thought of her as Italian!
Ø  We know her from Gospels: she, Mary & Lazarus close friends of J
Ø  He enjoyed their hospitality on journeys 2 Jerusalem just few miles away
Ø  “What to learn from Martha on her feast day?”

HOSPITALITY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Ø  1st = revelation that hospitality offers us
Ø  St. Benedict used to say guest at door is person of J
Ø  While literally true 4 Martha, when we welcome, make someone feel at home, enjoy a meal, rest & relax, something wonderful happens
Ø  Those dispositions create in person a Christ presence & warmth & delight in host
Ø  Hospitality is a real virtue & Martha exemplifies it

FRIENDSHIP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Ø  2nd she can teach us joy of friendship
Ø  J becz 1 like us in all, save sin, savored rich companionship of others
Ø  There was a deeper eating, savoring, & nourishment than simply at level of meal on table
Ø  It was nourishment & delight of friendship that meal occasioned
Ø  And at that level he reveals to her mystery of life & death: “I am resurrection & the life”

THOSE BEHIND THE SCENES +++++++++++++++++++++

Ø  Finally, Martha can help us appreciate those behind scene that make hospitality complete
Ø  Those who shop, prepare meal, cook & clean up
Ø  They know what must B done 2 enjoy presence of others & do it so willingly
Ø  It’s their efforts that create environment 4 hospitality
Ø  How important 2 thank workers, the Marthas, wherever they are for their efforts!
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  On this feast of St. Martha, we give thanks 4 Hospitality, Friendship, & those Behind Scenes she represents

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Daily HOMILY for July 24, 2013: Wednesday of 16th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

PODCAST - Press sideways triangle below to listen

St. Luke’s Institute
Wed 16th Week OT

July 24, 2013

THE EXODUS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Ø  We can identify w/ real-life humanity of Israelites in 1st reading
Ø  Led by Moses, escaped from slavery Egypt
Ø  Life very hard & Egyptian masters were cruel
Ø  Israelites escaped in amazing event we call Exodus
Ø  Looking ahead 2 freedom & better life in land promised by God
Ø  But 1st had to get there and had 2 go thru desert
Ø  Things not so good in desert
Ø  Journey long & hot & food minimal


Ø  So, started 2 complain
Ø  & suddenly looked back 2 Egypt & wondered why they’d ever left
Ø  & heat & food & long journey led them 2 forget where they going & what lay ahead, new land

VERY HUMAN +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Ø  So very human?
Ø  When life gets tough we look back & wish good old days here again
Ø  Sometimes, understandable, hardship & hard work cause us 2 lose perspective when it’s imp not 2
Ø  May forget things not really that good or may forget goal that we really want 2 achieve
Ø  We too might grumble in our desert

BUT WHAT TO DO +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Ø  What’re we 2 do at these times?
Ø  Find some answer in what God does for Israelites
Ø  Gives them daily food – enough for each day
Ø  So G called & calls us 2 focus on day – on doing what we’ve to do even if it’s hard & don’t feel like it, and on keeping in mind R goal or what G seems to be calling u to do.
Ø  We need to do this prayerfully, asking for and looking for G’s help, as in manna & quail in story
Ø  And need 2 do every day, if we’re going 2 complete journey
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Sometimes we’ll do this out of a strength we did not think we had – and that’s grace of G
Ø  But do it we must & then one day, we too reach land G’s promised us

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Daily HOMILY for July 23, 2013: Tuesday of 16th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

PODCAST - Press sideways triangle below to listen 

St. Luke’s Institute
Tuesday of the 16th Week in OT

July 23, 2013

BROTHER & SISTERS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Scene in today’s Gospel has certain sharpness to it
Ø  First sight, may seem like Jesus putting off or putting down blood family – his mother and those who are described as his “brothers and sisters”
Ø  We know that Greek word used here can mean that “brothers and sisters” may have been cousins or maybe even stepbrothers & stepsisters 2 J
Ø  One theory has it that Joseph widowed when he took Mary his wife & had children by 1st marriage
Ø  So, this wording remains is a bit uncertain
Ø  Be that as it may, Jesus’ intent here is not to put down his family
ELEVATION NOT PUTDOWN +++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Rather then put anybody down, Jesus is elevating his followers, his disciples
Ø  He says, “Those who do the will of my heavenly Father are my brother and sister and mother”
Ø  The effect of Jesus’ statement is that we can be as close to him as his own blood family
Ø  So, if we as believers or disciples are like family to Jesus, then the traditional role of blood family members can help us to understand what our role or calling is to be
Ø  For example, disciples are to be like mothers through receiving Jesus into our hearts in faith and then bringing him into the world by our words and actions
Ø  We are to be like fathers by giving life to others and not by injuring life whether of the unborn child, the person who is emotionally vulnerable, or handicapped
Ø  And we are to be like brothers and sisters when we care for the neighbor next door or the Hispanic immigrant who’s come here in need
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  So, it’s all of us who are his disciples that Jesus really elevates
Ø  He calls us family and we can learn something about our calling simply from the roles of family members