Friday, June 28, 2013

Daily HOMILY for June 26, 2013: Wednesday of 12th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

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Wed of 12th Week in Ordinary Time
St. Luke’s Institute
June 26, 2013 6:30am
BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS +++++++++++++++++
Ø  In Gospel, J tells us 2 “beware of false prophets”
Ø  Also says “by their fruits you will know them”
Ø  “False prophet” = leader/ teacher of religion whose message not consistent w/ ways of J
Ø  So w/ that in mind, how describe bad fruit or false teaching present w/I XTY today?
Ø  1 theologian gives list of traits of possible false teaching
Ø  I will cite three of this morning
Trait #1: Externals +++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  1st, teaching false if produces religion consisting mainly in externals
Ø  Focus on externals just what J criticized in religious practice of his day
Ø  Religion must B < more than correct ritual or observance of certain practices
Ø  Must B matter of heart and inner spirit
TRAIT #2: NEG PROHIBITIONS +++++++++++++++++
Ø  2nd, teaching false if it produces religion that consists only in neg prohibitions
Ø  Religion not just bunch of “Thou shalt nots.”
Ø  Instead, XTY much more in doing rather than in not doing certain things
Ø  It’s to teach + ways for prayer, + vision 4 life, & + way 4 living life & being close to God
Ø  3rd, teaching false if it produces religion that’s arrogant & separatist
Ø  Religious approach that encourages us 2 C see selves or Church as above or better than others is false
Ø  Religion not 2 erect walls betw Church & world or sacred & secular
Ø  Instead, as J calls us 2, XTY is 2 tear down walls, see all as basically 1 & 2 bring all 2 Lord by welcoming and including all
CONCLUSION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Good points for us as individuals and as a Church 2 ponder in response 2 today’s gospel

Daily HOMILY for June 25, 2013: Tuesday of 12th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

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Tuesday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time

St. Luke Institute

June 26, 2012

DOGS AND SWINE? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Today’s gospel passage demands several comments.
Ø  1st when J, “Do not give what is holy to dogs, or toss your pearls before swine…” he is telling his disciples that for now, just focus on the people of Israel
Ø  Dogs were kept out of house & swine were viewed as unclean animals
Ø  Referring 2 people as dogs and swine very rough & disrespectful, not what we’d expect from J
Ø  He’s using common expressions of day 2 denote those outside Judaism
Ø  For now, wants DD 2 get his fellow Jews 2 accept message / Only later does he send DD beyond confines of Judaism
Ø  Then, J says, “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you”
Ø  This sentence seen as summarizing all ethical teachings J’s given in Sermon on Mount
Ø  Its OT variation would be, “Love your neighbor as yourself”
Ø  On one level, J gives this as motivation 4 R behavior “Do 2 others what U‘d have them do 2 you”
Ø  I would call this more of a self-focused motive for ethical or moral behavior
Ø  Two chapters earlier, Mt 5, J gives more of divine, supernatural motive
Ø  He’s been teaching about love of enemies & concludes by saying, “So be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect”
Ø  Scripture scholars say real impact of sentence is, “There must be no limits to your goodness, as your heavenly Father’s goodness knows no bounds”
Ø  That becomes ultimate ethical & moral norm
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  That, as Jesus says today, is the “narrow gate” & “constricted road” that leads to life
Ø  It’s narrow and constricted only because so many take wide gate & broad road that seem 2 B easy way out
Ø  It’s time to choose gates, knowing where each leads!

Daily HOMILY for June 24, 2013: Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, Cycle C

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Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

St. Luke’s Institute

June 24, 2013

CALLED BY GOD +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Rdgs R clear John/Baptist called before birth by G
Ø  G selected him 2 prepare way 4 his Son, 4 J 2 undertake his mission in world
Ø  While G called John, John needed 2 cooperate & respond
Ø  We can summarize John’s response in 2 wds: renounce & announce
JOHN’S RENOUNCING ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  1st John renounced normal comforts of human life
Ø  He saw beyond passing pleasures of world
Ø  Saw something < imp, something of infinite & eternal value that brings us lasting happiness
Ø  So John lived an austere life
Ø  Lived in desert, off of land, & wore coarse, woolen, scratchy, uncomfortable clothes
Ø  Did this out of intense, singular devotion 2 God
Ø  Renouncing so much opened his heart, mind, & spirit, 2 wonderful message G bringing 2 earth
OUR RENOUNCING ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  We’re probably not called 2 renounce in same way
Ø  Our renouncing ~ not filling up lives w/ so many possessions, activities, & concerns that blur/muffle
Ø  Our renouncing ~ keeping space 4 G & R relationship w/ G, & 4 for prayer, reflection & Mass
TO ANNOUNCE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  So John renounces and we renounce … and then notice he announces
Ø  Announces coming of K/G in J
Ø  And typical of holy people, he does this w/ humility
Ø  Humbly, able 2 say, “Behold, 1 coming after me; I‘m not worthy 2 unfasten sandals of feet”
Ø  Humility = essential trait 4 us in announcing, as well
Ø  Perhaps w/ this virtue, we announce not by saying anything, but simply by living w/ reverence 4 God & respect 4 all G’s made
Ø  We announce by living w/ R focus beyond selves
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  In sum, then, renounce and announce
Ø  This was life of John/Baptist
Ø  It’s a good pattern 4 R own lives as well