Sunday, July 31, 2016

Daily HOMILY for July 21, 2016: Thursday of the 16th Week of Ordinary Time

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Thursday 16th Week OT
Marriottsville Retreat
July 21, 2016
KOANS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  All have heard phrases in Buddhism used to startle people into thinking differently
Ø  The more popular ones being, “What is the sound of one hand clapping?” or “If a tree falls in the forest and no in there, does it make a sound?”
Ø  Yesterday readings from Matt’s Gospel began parables of J which form chapter 13 of Gospel
Ø  These parables continue for the next few days
PARABLES: AVOID 2 EXTREMES +++++++++++++++++
Ø  Parables R a bit like these phrases, called “kaons”
Ø  Like them, they’re simple, and yet mysterious
Ø  When hearing them we need to avoid two extreme reactions
Ø  On 1 hand, we may say to ourselves, “Well, that’s pretty simple and clear”
Ø  on the other, “That makes no sense whatsoever”
Ø  Like kaons, parables of J R comparisons meant to open us up to some new facet of understanding
Ø  Comparisons are taken from nature or ordinary life & thus may initially strike us as obvious
PARABLES LEAVE US UNSURE +++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Scripture scholars say that parables are meant to leave us unsure of what they mean so that they will badger our minds into untried ways
Ø  Take for example Jesus’ words: “To you who have, more will be given; to you who have not, even what you have will be taken”
Ø  Is “what I have” my money, my talents, my awareness?
Ø  And if I have $1,000 and you have $2,000 will you get more in the future than I? Why is that so?
Ø  Does that also apply to our talents? Our different levels of awareness? Our faith? (pause)
Ø  We all can afford to let our minds be teased into more thinking, more wide-ranging dimensions
CONCLUSION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  If Jesus’ parable gets me thinking, wondering what this parable might mean to me and my life at this moment, it will have achieved its purpose
Ø  “To you who have —and you know what you have — more of that which you have will be given you
Ø  To you who have little of what you have not, even what you have will be taken”
Ø  Let those who have ears, hear Jesus’ words!

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