Friday, February 05, 2016

Daily HOMILY for February 3, 2015: Commissioning

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Commissioning of Joseph, Max, and  Paul
The Institute
February 3, 2016
Ø  I recently read about an interesting insight by the anthropologist Margaret Mead
Ø  She was asked what constituted the first sign of civilization in a culture
Ø  The questioner expected the answer 2B invention or use of some kind of tool or art form, but answer was surprising
Ø  She said: “A healed femur”
Ø  Her point was that no healed bones were found where the law of the “survival of the fittest” reigns
Ø  A healed bone shows that someone had to do the injured person’s hunting and gathering until the injury healed
Ø  Someone had to care enough for one who was hurt so that the individual could heal
Ø  Given that, Dr. Mead said that compassion is the first sign of civilization
COMPASSION FOR JESUS ++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Her insight reflects today’s Gospel
Ø  No 1 would help this man 2 get into pool of water
Ø  He’d been ill, lame or paralyzed for 38 years
Ø  He was unable 2B 1st into pool so he could B healed
Ø  Jesus simply asks him: “Do you want to be well?”
Ø  The man answers “Yes” and Jesus doesn’t even put him into the water
Ø  He just pronounces the man healed and tells him to get up and walk, and that is what he does
COMPASSION FOR US +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  So, like Jesus, we’re called to notice the needs of one another and to offer loving attention
Ø  As with the man in the Gospel, no one else may have done that for the individual in need
Ø  Yes, offer loving attention and expect nothing in return, no recognition; not even a thank you
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Margaret Mead would call such an act a sign of civilization
Ø  We would say it is simply being Christ-like
Ø  It is what God made us to be like and to do
Ø  On this day of 4-fold commissioning, we recognize that same compassion offered & received
Ø  After all, It is the first sign of civilization