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Commissioning of Joseph, Max, and Paul
The Institute
February 3, 2016
recently read about an interesting insight by the anthropologist Margaret Mead
Ø She
was asked what constituted the first sign of civilization in a culture
Ø The
questioner expected the answer 2B invention or use of some kind of tool or art
form, but answer was surprising
Ø She
said: “A healed femur”
Ø Her
point was that no healed bones were found where the law of the “survival of the fittest” reigns
healed bone shows that someone had to do the injured person’s hunting and
gathering until the injury healed
Ø Someone
had to care enough for one who was hurt so that the individual could heal
Ø Given
that, Dr. Mead said that compassion is the first sign of civilization
COMPASSION FOR JESUS ++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø Her
insight reflects today’s Gospel
Ø No
1 would help this man 2 get into pool of water
Ø He’d
been ill, lame or paralyzed for 38 years
Ø He
was unable 2B 1st into pool so he could B healed
Ø Jesus
simply asks him: “Do you want to be
Ø The
man answers “Yes” and Jesus doesn’t
even put him into the water
Ø He
just pronounces the man healed and tells him to get up and walk, and that is
what he does
COMPASSION FOR US +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø So,
like Jesus, we’re called to notice the needs of one another and to offer loving
Ø As
with the man in the Gospel, no one else may have done that for the individual
in need
Ø Yes,
offer loving attention and expect nothing in return, no recognition; not even a
thank you
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø Margaret
Mead would call such an act a sign of civilization
Ø We
would say it is simply being Christ-like
Ø It
is what God made us to be like and to do
Ø On
this day of 4-fold commissioning, we recognize that same compassion offered
& received
Ø After
all, It is the first sign of civilization