Friday, January 15, 2016

HOMILY for January 11, 2015: Welcoming Ceremony

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Welcoming Ceremony
The Institute
January 11, 2016
MY LIFE ON THE SWIM TEAM+++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Masters Swim Team / 3 things very important for our annual spring meets
Ø  1st YOUR CONDITION nothing to impede your speed: weight, hair, suit, cap, goggles
Ø  2nd YOUR SUPPORTERS invite all your family & friends 2 day’s events 2B the cheering crowd
Ø  3rd YOUR MODEL when in the pool keep yourself focused on the best one in the pool
LETTER TO THE HEBREWS++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The author of Hebrews wants his readers to see themselves in an athletic contest that’ll take the last ounce of their energy
Ø  1st they’re advised to get rid of all that weighs them down, namely, sin, faults, darkness
Ø  2nd he assures them that they’re not alone as the contest begins
Ø  The stadium is filled with a “cloud of witnesses”
Ø  They’re great heroes of past who had run the race
Ø  They’ll encourage them to remain faithful to Jesus
Ø  3rd and finally, the achievement of Jesus
Ø  He’s already won the race we’re in
Ø  As long as we do our best, keeping him in mind when we make important choices, we can’t lose
Ø  J shows us way 2 victory & in him we’ve victory
THE RACE IS ON++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Think of this welcome ceremony as race is on
Ø  It’s taking place in one-on-one therapy, in small groups, 12-step groups, large groups, and your important encounters with each other
Ø  1st YOUR CONDITION need 2 work 2 keep self trim, fit, w/ few encumbrances weighing u down
Ø  Encumbrances like isolating, negative thinking, unkind words
Ø  2nd YOUR SUPPORTERS U need 2 listen 2 cheers of crowds in this stadium: cheers of parishioners, family, friends, staff members & fellow residents
Ø  3rd there is your MODEL maintain a strong relationship w/ the Lord thru prayer & Eucharist
Ø  Like friendships we have, it takes time, talking to him, listening to him, doing things together
Ø  In past we’ve loved the challenge of a good race
Ø  In welcoming you today, we pledge our support and draw you into our circle & to the challenge