Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Daily HOMILY for August 11, 2015: Tuesday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time

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Tuesday 19th Week OT
The Institute
August 11, 2014
NARCISSISM IN OUR CULTURE +++++++++++++++++++
Ø  It was almost 40 years ago that Christopher Lasch wrote The Culture of Narcissism
Ø  It was a time before the Internet, Facebook, i-Phones and reality TV
Ø  He argued in this best seller that social trends in the 20th century had given rise to a “narcissistic personality structure”
Ø  The culture included a reluctance to make long-term commitments, a fear of aging, and an almost morbid fascination with fame & celebrity
Ø  He died in 1994, blissfully unaware, one might imagine, of Facebook, the Kardashians and “selfies”
Ø  Were he alive today, he would surely say, “I told you so”
NARCISSISM IN THE GOSPEL +++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  In our Gospel reading we get a whiff of narcissism in the disciples’ seemingly innocent question about “the greatest”
Ø  Mt softens Mk’s version of this scene by having them tactfully say “in the kingdom,” that is, not here, not us
Ø  Jesus seems to understand their true motivation, for he says, in effect, “So you want to be great? Here’s how”
Ø  A tough lesson in humility follows
NARCISSISM AND ME ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  My guess is that if Jesus reappeared today, many people would try to get a “selfie” with him, followed, no doubt, by a self-serving post: “Here’s me with the Savior!”
Ø  Pope Francis good naturedly allows selfies, but he often reminds us that, as Christians, we’re called to rub elbows not with celebrities, but with the lost and the lowly
Ø  In his own earthy way, he has said that shepherds or disciples will have the smell of the sheep on them
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Here’s a picture post that Francis might prefer: “Hey, that me with the homeless guy I’m helping”
Ø  Who’s in my life today that I need to be there for?
