Monday, March 18, 2013

Daily HOMILY for February 27, 2013: Wednesday of 2nd Week of Lent, Cycle C

St. Luke’s Institute
Wednesday 2nd Lent
February 27, 2013
“CUP” FOR JAMES & JOHN ++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  It’s on his way to Jerusalem that Jesus is stopped by the mother of Zebedee’s sons, James and John, to ask a strange favor
Ø  That in the Kingdom each of her sons sits, one on God’s right and the other on God’s left
Ø  Jesus uses occasion to say that anyone who’s his follow must drink the cup of suffering, the same cup for which he’s going to Jerusalem
Ø  “Yes, we can they say”
Ø  “Yes, you will, he assures them” but where one sits in the Kingdom isn’t for him to give
Ø  And the journey continues
“CUP” FOR JESUS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  Once in Jerusalem, it is in the Garden of Gethsemane where the “cup” comes up again
Ø  This time it’s Jesus’ turn to “drink” it and he is filled with dread, so much so he asks his Father to have it pass from him
Ø  It seems that the tables of turned and what he spoke to James and John, he must now face himself
Ø  As his followers, we hear and know of the cup in our intellect
Ø  But now we must confront it in real life where we feel pain, suffering, condemnation, mocking, and yes, a kind of crucifixion
Ø  Is it a consolation that James and John had it only as an intellectual understanding up here (head)?
Ø  Is it a consolation that Jesus could talk about it and then want it taken from him?
Ø  Is it a consolation that in our confrontation of the pain here in our heart, that giving ourselves over to it will bring an administering angel, a salve, a balm from God very self?
CONCLUSION +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ø  The question remains largely an intellectual reality, but we need to be careful to not answer it too adroitly
Ø  For answering it from our pain and sorrow will be another matter
Ø  Let us count on the consolations of Jesus when that time comes