Thursday, November 19, 2009

Weekly THIS AND THAT for November 22, 2009: Parishioners Ideas Regarding A New Pastor

This and That:
Parishioners Ideas Regarding A New Pastor

On Monday, November 9th, the Archdiocese of Baltimore Clergy Personnel Board conducted a Consultation with our parish regarding the appointment of a new Pastor when Father Nicholas retires in June. Msgr. Dick Tillman and Father Chris Moore from the Clergy Personnel Board spent five hours listening to input during three meetings. In the first meeting, the Pastoral Team (parish staff) gave their ideas. The second meeting included the Pastoral Council, Finance Committee and Parish Corporators. The third and final meeting was open to all parishioners.

Msgr. Tillman and Father Moore began each meeting, by telling us that the discernment regarding the assignment of a new pastor is done by the Board in the context of prayer. They reminded us that it is God who leads our parish, and that will continue to be true when we have a new pastor. They also shared the process to be followed:
Priests of the Archdiocese of Baltimore may indicate that they are interested. After their consultation with our parish, Msgr. Tillman and Father Moore write a report which is given to the Placement Committee of the Board. The Committee tries to match our parish with one of the priests who is interested or with any priest in the Archdiocese whom they think would fit well here.

They send a list of several priests to the bishops of our Archdiocese, who make the selection. The priest selected is then offered the position. When the new pastor accepts, our parish will be informed. Until then, the Consultors cautioned us not to believe any “rumors” circulating that a particular priest has been chosen as pastor.

In all three meetings, the same three questions were asked:

1. What are the strengths of the parish?
2. What are the challenges of the parish at this time?
3. What qualities and skills do we need in a new pastor, in order for him to be successful here?

Having attended all three meetings, I was encouraged by the consistency of responses across the three groups who gave input:


➢ Welcoming and accepting of individuals and families
➢ Dynamic and active parish with involved volunteers
➢ Good leadership by parish staff – programs are well-run
➢ An excellent Parish School
➢ Good use of talents and gifts of parishioners
➢ Beautiful campus and facilities
➢ Adult Education opportunities provided
➢ Growing commitment to Evangelization
➢ Collaborative spirit within staff, Pastoral Council and ministries
➢ Parish continuing to grow
➢ Demographics include a majority of young families
➢ Many programs for children and youth
➢ Great liturgy, including training of ministers
➢ Excellent preaching by homilists
➢ Variety of sacramental and prayer opportunities available


➢ Engage and evangelize registered parishioners who do not participate
➢ Keep youth engaged in parish life
➢ Maintain the great facilities and campus
➢ Continue and improve the supportive relationship of parish and school
➢ Provide financial fall-back for maintenance needs


➢ Good relational skills – with children, youth and adults
➢ Collaborative style of leadership
➢ Ability to use the gifts and talents of staff and parishioners
➢ Spiritual Leadership – project a vision that others can believe in
➢ Good communication skills
➢ Willingness to listen and to change when necessary
➢ Good homilist
➢ Accessible
➢ Teacher
➢ Supportive of our Catholic School; able to work on its continued growth and interact with students
➢ Theologically in tune with Vatican II
➢ Able to use electronic media for communication
➢ Seasoned in ministry

This Consultation was a wonderful experience of self-reflection for our parish and it gives us a “snapshot” of who we are at this time as well as our hopes for the future. Everyone who spoke was grateful for the blessing of excellent leadership that we have experienced with Father Nicholas and all acknowledged that he will be “a hard act to follow.” Let us sincerely pray for our parish and for our next pastor in the coming months, as well as praying for Father Nicholas as he moves into a new phase of life.

Sister Mary Therese

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