Sunday, January 28, 2007

Weekly MESSAGE for January 28, 2007: How What We Believe Can Make a Difference

January 28, 2007

Dear Friend,

I write you from warmer climes still enjoying the final day of my “Christmas Break.” It has been a week of reading, reflecting, sharing meals with priest friends and enjoying the sunshine.

One activity that has been central to the week is the preparation of three talks for our upcoming Lenten Family Fridays that begin at the end of February. The overall title that Sr. Mary Therese, our Assistant Pastor, and I have developed is, “ How What We Believe Can Make a Difference” – a daunting topic to say the least. It took me a few days of prayer and reflection, knowing that if the talks were to relate in any concrete way with the topic, my own faith would have to be challenged, that is “How does what I believe make a difference in my own life?”

I welcomed the challenge, and after much writing and rewriting, I was able to move my own thought on the subject forward. You will be the judge as to whether the talks may do the same for you. The talks will be the subject of the “This and That” columns cited each week.

To give you an overview of how we hope to look at belief and how it can make a difference in our daily living, the “chapter headings” of the six weeks will be as follows:

Session 1: “Is Jesus Believable?”

Session 2: “How Can I Deal with Suffering?”

Session 3: “The Story of Dry Bones: Yours and Ours”

Session 4: “Differences: Do They Divide or Unite?”

Session 5: “Say yes to God -- But Look Out!”

Session 6: “A Fountain of Youth for You?”

Hope you can join us here in our weekly posting, or live, at one of the Fridays of Lent. Each of the six Fridays will include Mass at 6:30pm, supper for the whole family at 7:00pm, and the talk at 7:30pm. While the talk is going on there will be age-appropriate activities for all the children and youth. And to think you will be out be 8:15!

Father Nick Amato

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